Hello, we are MetaLife Pilates

MetaLife is the most respected Pilates equipment manufacturer in Brazil because we are always seeking for innovation and excellence in Pilates equipment and props production as well as our customer relationship.

Our investment is dedicated to international quality standards, versatility and safety. That is why we are the most recommended brand by Pilates professionals in the country.

Our differential is quality. Quality in everything we do!

This quality starts in the company culture: keep improving. Equipment projection never stops. They are always being improved, whether in design, comfort or safety. And there is no MetaLife equipment on the market that hasn’t been through rigorous laboratory testing.

The manufacturing and assembly process of the MetaLife equipments allies the most modern machining park in the country, with 3 CNC (Computer Numeric Control) machining centres. Our eqquipment has electronic coordinates of absolute precision, manual work of careful selection of wood of reforestation, a selection of suppliers and materials, and quality verification.

That is why we are the most respected Pilates equipment brand in Brazil.

learn more about our quality

Why is Pilates with MetaLife equipment different?

1- Excellent Biomechanics

Distances between the supports, adjustment options and the extension of springs, and positioning options of straps and bars are millimetrically designed (and have been improved over the years). So, the exercises are as precise and smooth as possible, both for a child of 1.2m high or for an adult over 2.0m high.

2- Spring quality

MetaLife springs do not break! This provides a wider range of motion and safety.

3- Upholstery quality

Our upholstery is manufactured with the highest quality materials that do not deform or sink. It also presents excellent durability, and the precise rigidity for a good performance.
The market uses EVA, MetaLife uses AG.

A little more about us

Learn why we have become the fastest-growing Pilates company in Brazil in only five years.

Where we are

Business and Marketing

Rua Quintana, 887 – Cobertura
Cidade Monções, São Paulo – SP, Brazil
Zip Code: 04569-011

Visit our showroom

Manufacturer and Financial Sector

Rod BR 280, 2147 – Galpão 1
Vista Alegre, Rio Negrinho – SC, Brazil
Zip Code: 89295-000